Lari dari Blora (Harmony Without the Law)
This film recounts the life of the community Samin.
American girl comes to Pati - Blora (Central Java) aims to examine the lifestyle culture Samin. Samin citizen does not know the law, uphold the freedom of community life. there is no government intervention. living side by side, full of peace. very familiar with the nature. does not believe in evil. very open with the customary nature
American girl comes to Pati - Blora (Central Java) aims to examine the lifestyle culture Samin. Samin citizen does not know the law, uphold the freedom of community life. there is no government intervention. living side by side, full of peace. very familiar with the nature. does not believe in evil. very open with the customary nature
Release Date : 2007
Director : Akhlis Suryapati
Writer : Akhlis Suryapati
Cast : WS Rendra, Ardina Rasti, Annika Kuyper, Tina Astarim Soultan Saladin, Iswar Kelana
Studio : Ibar Pictures
Runtime :
Website : http://www.laridariblora.com/home.htm
Download Lari Dari Blora (Tribute WS Rendra)Rest in Peace Rendra , GBU